Friday 28 December 2012

Zack Ryder Says 2012 'Sucked' On Latest Show

This week's edition of "Z! True Long Island Story" is titled "Best of Zack Ryder 2012," with his many of his lowlights highlighted in a somber video package; losing the United States Championship to Jack Swagger, Kane's numerous attacks including being chokeslammed through the RAW stage and wheeled off the stage, Eve making out in front of him with John Cena, Eve kicking him in the groin at WrestleMania XXVIII, suffering losses to The Miz, Damien Sandow, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan and Tensai, and getting beat down by 3MB.

Ryder admits 2012 "sucked," but vows that 2013 will be "the year of the Broski," not to mention "sick."

You can view the show below:

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