Monday 17 September 2012

What You Didn't See At WWE Night Of Champions

John Cena got a standing ovation from the Boston crowd after Night of Champions went off the air. He saluted them and then headed to the back.

Randy Orton reportedly got into a heated argument with a fan after his match, with the argument reportedly getting "pretty vulgar" including Orton saying he'd see the fan after the show and "mess him up."

Verizon FiOS reportedly had an outage that kept some fans from ordering the PPV. One fan report is as follows:

The pre-show(the taped Free For All, not the live pre-show) aired with no problem. But right at about 7:59 the feed went out. I called them up and they said there was a network problem with the HD feed. They said I could order the standard definition version and not be charged double if I chose to. So I ended up watching the first 3 matches in SD until the HD feed finally came back on in the middle of the Cesaro-Ryder match.

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