Tuesday 18 September 2012

Orton Called "The Anti-Superstar"

The October issue of WWE Magazine features Randy Orton as he reflects on his successful career. The official WWE website has released a preview of their interview with The Viper, who dubs him "The Anti-Superstar."

The article states, "In Orton’s mind, the fall from the top began when the fans stopped being afraid of him. Back in his hell-raising days as the wild-eyed, volatile IED-driven powerhouse, he could turn a fan’s legs to liquid with one cold stare—and they loved him for it. “They almost couldn’t put their finger on why they liked me, but they knew that they did because I had that look,” he says. “I came down the ramp and I didn’t smile. I didn’t pump my fist. I’d make six-year-old kids cry at live events just by looking at them before I got in the ring. I had this fear that I could put into the fans. But [now], I’m slapping hands, I’m kissing babies…instead of being my own person. I had something special there, and I’ve lost it, and I’m trying to get it back.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Orton discusses his battle for privacy and changing his current approach.

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