Friday, 31 August 2012
VIDEO: Alberto Del Rio's Best WWE Friend, Rodriguez Split?
Alberto Del Rio appeared on the Abe Kana Show to discuss several different WWE topics.
-He said his best friend on the road is Drew McIntyre.
-He revealed that he first turned down the WWE because he wanted to make sure it was enough money to create security for his family compared to being a headliner in Mexico and Japan.
-He thinks the Del Rio character and Ricardo Rodriguez will eventually split up.
-He also said that "PC" restrictions on what heels can do should be relaxed to let them get heat.
Update On The Thieves Who Stole The TNA Title Belts
The men that stole the TNA Title belts were caught due to surveillance video. reports that the belts were stolen while a stagehand was unloading props from TNA's truck and were later identified via video surveillance. The men were arrested on second-degree theft charges and released from jail after posting bond. The belts were returned to TNA. If you're interested, you can click here to view their mugshots.
Here is the article from
TNA's heavyweight championship belt -- valued at roughly $6,000 -- was stolen earlier this month from right under a stagehand's nose ... but thankfully, the suspected thieves have been caught ... with the help of TECHNOLOGY.
TNA sources tell TMZ, the alleged belt-snatching took place on August 18th in Ottumwa, Iowa before a non-televised event while a stagehand was unloading props from his truck.
We're told the stagehand turned away for a split second, and one of the suspects grabbed the $6,000 belt -- along with a $400 replica -- and took off.
The two suspects were later identified by police using surveillance footage.
33-year-old Joel Luke and 39-year-old Forrest Jamison were arrested Wednesday before posting bail and being released. Luke was charged with 2nd-degree theft and Jamison was charged with accessory.
Rob's Top 4 Moments in SummerSlam History
Hello all, this is Rob here working on my very first blog, so bear with me here. Now that the most (arguably) lackluster SummerSlam has come and gone, I think that I will talk about my top four moments in the history of the illustrious event.
SummerSlam 2002: Brock Brings the Pain!!!
Brock Lesnar AKA "The Next Big Thing" was well on his way to fulfilling that nickname when he was set to meet The Rock, and square off for the WWE Championship. At King of the Ring back in 02, Brock defeated Rob Van Dam to win the KOTR, and the winner went off to the SS main event. After, a devastatingly violent match, and after surviving a Rock Bottom, Brock pinned Rocky to become the youngest WWE Champion in history.
SummerSlam 2009: Straight Edge Triumphs!!!
Now, personally for me, this is my favorite moment in SS history, because Punk and Hardy are my two favorite wrestlers. These two had one of the most memorable, and personal rivalries in recent memory. After Punk cashed in his MITB contract on Hardy at Extreme Rules, Punk turned full on heel after attacking Hardy after Hardy won the WHC back at NoC. The two squared off in a TLC Match, and boy did this match live up to expectation! It was the only reason I ordered the PPV. And, as you can guess by the name of the title, Punk won the matchup, and then The Undertaker returned as Punk celebrated!!! MARK OUT MOMENT!!!
SummerSlam 2008: The Undertaker Sends Edge to Hell!!!
In 2008, Undertaker and Edge had a pretty amazing rivalry which started at WrestleMania 24, when Taker won the WHC from Edge. Needless to say, Edge was obsessive with winning that Championship back. At Extreme Rules, the WHC was vacated, and Taker and Edge squared off in a TLC Match, where if Taker lost, he would be "banished from the WWE." Surely, Edge won, and Taker took some time off. Well, the storyline (won't go into detail) concluded that Taker would return to face Edge inside HIAC. And this is one of the more exciting HIAC matches in the PG Era. After Taker won the match, he got on to of a ladder, and Chokeslammed Edge through the ring, or "To Hell" if you please, lol.
SummerSlam 1995 HBK vs. Ramon Rematch
After these two squared off at Mania earlier in the year, and put the Ladder Match on the map, these two faced off again in a ladder match for the once relevant Intercontinental Championship, that was thought, couldn't top the Mania Ladder Match. And, these two proved wrong. This was such an amazing match, and HBK would come out on top, winning the prestigious IC Belt.
There you have it all. First off, let me say that I know that there are dozens and dozens of more memorable moments, but these are some of my favorite. So criticize me if you will, but these are my top four moments. Please leave feedback on how I did for my first blog, and have a good one!!!
Epico's Tag-Team Title Plans
Epico posted a message on Twitter, explaining why he and Primo should be the #1 contenders to Kofi Kingston and R-Truth's tag titles. He wrote: "At WM28 we beat the Usos and Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd... At Money in the bank we beat PTP... Therefore WE should be the number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team Titles!"
Backstage Talk On CM Punk
There was a lot of discussion backstage about CM Punk bleeding on RAW. Some feel that with Punk constantly calling himself a "wrestler" and with him bleeding on RAW, the show may eventually become more "edgier." We shall see in the coming weeks and months.
John Laurinaitis Return To WWE - Details
John Laurinaitis is recovered from a recent injury and did a run in during the CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. The Big Show main event in Brisbane, Australia. During the match, Laurinaitis came out and attacked Cena with a steel chair. Cena fought back and hit Laurinaitis with the attitude adjustment.
Chris Jericho Speaks Out - Triple H's Legacy, Ziggler, WWE (INTERESTING READ)
Chris Jericho was on Busted Open with Dave Lagreca and Doug Mortman. You can hear Busted Open from 2-4 ET on Sirius 94, XM 208, and Sportszone 860 on the Internet. Here are the highlights…
On him leaving the WWE for a while: "Vince knew and I knew for the entire run that I would be leaving as soon as the new record came out (Sin and Bones). We knew the entire time what my time frame was. Originally I was supposed to leave at the end of May and then I signed for another 3 months, and the record got pushed back. But I didn't know until the day I showed up, actually ten minutes before Raw started in Fresno that we were doing this contract vs contract thing. So I didn't even know this was going to happen. I just figured I would have a match with Dolph and that would be the end of it. So people who think that there is some long, drawn out, plan. I t really wasn't. It was about ten minutes before the show started and I was like "Oh, we are doing a contract vs contract thing? Oh ok." So there you go, a little special behind the scenes look."
Is Dolph Ziggler the next big main eventer?: "Times have changed so much in that guys are learning on the fly. Dolph is one of the best guys on the roster but he is still learning as are a lot of the other guys. People say "oh Damien Sandow is the next guy or Kofi" .These guys are still learning. In time, I think these guys will be amazing, amazing performers. But right now they are still on their way up the learning tree. So yes I think Dolph is going to be an amazing performer. Yes I think the Miz is going to be a great performer. Lots of guys are getting into that zone, but they are still learning. It's not like what it was in my day. I worked for nine years before I came to the WWE. There are guys now who have been working there nine months that are on the show. It's a different world out there right now than the way it used to be. There is a lot of great, great performers or potential great performers that are on the way to getting there."
On the importance of experience in wrestling: "It's not so much experience time wise, it's also experience with who you are working with. This is the cold, hard fact that nobody in the WWE has been working in wrestling longer than me with the exception of The Undertaker. I've been working longer than Kane, longer than Triple H. If you throw in Kane, Triple H, Jericho, Undertaker, geez who else has long term experience where you can go in with a young guy and instantly identify their strengths and weaknesses.? We can tell them, "you need to work on this and this is amazing. Keep doing what you're doing on that end." It's not just about having good matches, it's about knowing what to do. Knowing how to put together good matches, feeling things. How to react when things don't go the way you want them to. Right before I left there was a tag match between myself and Zack against Dolph and Miz. Putting together the match, there were things that were obvious to me that they were still figuring out, which is cool and ok with me. But I was like wow this is second nature for guys that have been around a long time and they are still figuring it out and when that light bulb comes on and they already have ninety percent, but that last ten percent is what makes you a great performer. Some guys never figure out that last ten percent and when the guys do, that's when they become guys you can base companies around and put in main events."
Did it bother him when a guy like the Miz who had little experience, had the WWE title?: "No because that's the world we live in now. It's not like what it used to be back when I came in 1999. I bet when you look at that roster in '99, I bet you would have at least eight to possibly twelve legitimate, main event, superstar, amazing character, amazing workers. I bet there was at least ten. Now, there is probably four and with potential for four or five more. The experience level and the character development is completely different now."
When will the time come for the WWE to rely on their young stars instead of the older stars?: "We are pretty much at that point now. It's more necessity than anything. When Daniel Bryan first came in a couple of years ago, you saw the evolution of the character. He came in as like the NXT nobody, then gets fired and then comes back as a nerd and as a vegan. The vegan thing came about because Vince hates vegans. Vince would say "how could you not eat steak?" He made vegan into a heel tendency. I always knew Daniel Bryan would get over because once again look at his career path. He had gotten over everywhere he had been. You can make jokes that he wrestled in a bingo hall or a gym, but getting over is getting over whether it's in front of 200 people or 20,000 people. It's the same principle. How do I get the crowd on my side either as a heel or a babyface? He always had that, he just figured a way to do it. That's what all the other guys are going to have to start doing. They are already kind of making that switch. If you look at Wrestlemania this year, what's the top three matches? You had Undertaker vs Triple H with HBK, all part timers at best. You had Cena and Rock, one workhorse who works every show, the other part timer at best. Then you had Punk and Jericho. So three of the six were on Raw the next night. Sooner or later it's going to have to get to that point. There is still pure business at stake. What are people going to pay to see? It does take time for people to accept some of these guys as legitimate money-making main eventers that you would pay to see."
Talks about his creepy promos leading to his return: "It all started with the Mayans saying 2012 would be the end of the world. So I thought it would be cool to come back with the end of the world as you know it in the sense of kind of like the old Y2J promos where the whole company kind of went into the tank and it's the end of THAT world and the beginning of the new world with Jericho laying claim to what is his. It was meant to be something ominous based on the Mayan thing saying the end of the world is coming. 2012 is the end of the world and this was the end of the world as we know it. The world has now changed because I am back to reclaim what is mine. It started with "the best in the world thing". It was a natural feud with CM Punk. But sometimes people read into these things too much. People still ask me "who was the girl?"I worked on this with a guy named Adam Pennucci who worked on all of my promos since 1999. I asked him the question "who's the girl"? He said "I don't know, I just find her really creepy and I like the idea of it". So I was like, "cool, put it in there." Then people were asking, "was it Stephanie McMahon, was it AJ Lee, was it Kharma, was it Michelle McCool?"There was no girl. It was never anything to do with a girl. It was just another creepy imagery to have two creepy kids conspiring with each other. People were finding clues that didn't exist. People were pausing it and looking at the Bible quotes and how it leads to Jericho. They were pausing it frame by frame and this girl is supposed to be Stephanie McMahon and the boy is Shane McMahon. There is a book on the floor that says Jericho on it. It was all speculation and people getting into it. I didn't want to come back the same, I wanted to come back different. The viral thing was my idea, where the YouTube thing on Raw on the bottom of the screen, where it's very subtle. I like stuff like that where it makes people think. The silent treatment was all Vince's idea. I had a big long promo that would have explained it right off the bat why it was the end of the world as you know it and why I was coming back to reclaim what was mine. Vince said "no I don't want you to say anything." It worked so well that we said let's not say anything for a whole month and see what happens. We are not as smart as you think by putting messages on the tiles of the floor. This was all done on a shoestring budget and I never saw the clips until they were done."
On his feud with Dolph Ziggler: "Originally I was supposed to feud with Sheamus, and then it was Daniel Bryan. Then the day of Raw, they said I was doing something with Dolph. I was like "what happened to Daniel Bryan and Sheamus?" They said it changed and I was fine with it. I've been doing this long enough that I roll with the punches. I couldn't wait to work with Dolph but I needed a story. What's the story? They said "we will think of one later." I said "I don't like that". I need to think of one now since I have a promo tonight with Dolph. We cant think about this next week. That's when I came up with the concept of everyone was bitching that Jericho never won a match on PPV. I don't think of things that way. I win if the match is great. I win if people enjoy the match. Winning and losing, who cares? It doesn't matter. As a heel especially, you can win one out of ten matches and you're fine. Once I came back from suspension, the tide had already shifted. The heel was gone. People wanted to cheer for Jericho. When that finally happens, you just got to go with it. I thought it would be real interesting to go with the "you can't win the big one" scenario. But sometimes the writers will write "this old broken down guy who is on the last legs of his career." I'm like "wait a second, broken down? I'm in the best shape of my life, never been hurt, I've never missed a match and it's not like I lost EVERY match. I beat Sheamus on TV, I beat Punk on TV and I beat Kofi a million times. I wanted to focus on the storyline of "he can't win the big one." It gave us a great place to go. You always have to have a good storyline. Without a storyline, it's just two guys in their underwear rolling around half naked."
What he thought was his best run in his career: "When I came back in 2007, I thought that was the best work of my career as far as really showing who I was as a performer. The story I did with Shawn Michaels and I'm not bragging when I say this, but to me it's one of the best storylines in WWE history. Blackjack Lanza told me that the last time I saw him a few months ago. I thought that was the best example of storytelling in wrestling. I was working with the greatest of all time. When that angle was done, I went into a thing with Mysterio which I thought was one of the best things I've done as well, then did the thing with NXT guys. When I came back this time I was like "who am I going to work with?" There is Punk and Cena, but there is no more Shawn Michaels or Undertaker or Triple H, or Eddie Guerrero. I still want to have great matches, but I also want to pass of the experience, pass the knowledge that I have on to these guys, so when I go they can become the main event guys of tomorrow. Just like Shawn did with me."
On Triple H's legacy: "He is a great worker. I think he is almost underrated as a worker because of all the side baggage that people have put on him. I worked with him when I first came in. He is a great worker and really helped me out. I'll be honest with you he is doing a great job behind the scenes. It's not an easy job. He is being thrown in all the way. Vince is making him do everything. He is in charge of all the meetings, he is in charge of all the side projects, and I think what people forget is the "Attitude Era" was a lifetime ago. When I started being Y2J again, a lot of people didn't know who that was. That was ten years ago. There are a lot of new fans and kids watching and girls, and new people just starting to watch 3 or 4 years ago, so they don't know the legacy of Triple H. The "You tapped out" chants at Summerslam was not what they wanted, but his legacy to me is one of the best workers that was in the company and he is going to be the guy to take the company to the next level in the next 10, 20 years."
More On Steve Austin & WWE
As previously reported, Steve Austin underwent surgery recently. The surgery was a major operation in order to repair both his ACL and PCL. The surgery was big enough that he will be unable to do any acting work until next year. If his physical therapy goes as expected, he will be able to return to film work in January of 2013.
However, the surgery, as well as the fact that WrestleMania 29 is already stacked with Brock Lesnar and The Rock, means that there is almost no chance of Austin competing at the big pay-per-view event next year.
Dolph Ziggler Says He'll ‘Blow Up’ As A Main Eventer
Dolph Ziggler recently spoke with about his rise to the main event scene. Here are the highlights…
On Having To Fight For Everything He Has Earned: "Had I been handed it, it might not have worked out the same. I might not be as grateful for everything that's slowly but surely coming my way," Ziggler told Jan Murphy for the Kingston Whig-Standard publication. "But, man, I've been chomping at this main event scene for two, three years now, ready to go, and I think it's going hit right at the peak of my career, right when I'm starting to figure out more and more. I'm learning every day. I think it's just going to hit at the right time and it's just going to blow up."
On Being The Heel That Gets Beat Up: "I go out there and I try to do it better than everyone else. Whether I'm a punching bag for 30 seconds or going out there and having a 30-minute classic, I find a way to stand out and do what I do better than everyone else."
Extreme Rising News: First Champion & Double Main Event
Extreme Rising sent out the following today…
Philadelphia, PA –Saturday, November 17, 2012 7pm EXTREME RISING returns to the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory 2700 Southampton Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 for a major card that will feature the first-ever crowning of the Extreme Rising World Champion and a match where fans have voted to lock NEW JACK and MUSTAFA THE ORIGINAL GANGSTAS versus JEEZ and RUCKUS of BLK OUT in a Steel Cage to settle their difference once and for all.
Time to get EXTREME!!! Watch what you missed! Don't miss this event on 11/17 as this card promises to be thee biggest Extreme Rising event yet…
There will also be an EXTREME RISING Fan Fest from 12 noon to 3pm. Fan Fest tickets are $10. Purchase any floor seat and you will receive your Fan Fest ticket complimentary. This Fan Fest will have a meet and greet, along with opportunities for pictures and autographs at extra costs.
Tickets are on sale for immediate shipping at
LIMITED TIME LEFT!!! Row 2, and 3 Ticket holders receive: Ticket(s), Complimentary T-shirt of NEW Extreme Rising design, Private Entrance into event 30 minutes prior to doors opening, one issue of the program, and Admission into the Fan Fest from 12 noon – 3pm. Order Row 2 and 3 Tickets here:
Tickets can also be purchased in person at THE BEER BOX 3350 Grant Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19114 (215) 673-7837 .
We will have VERY LIMITED SPACE for anyone interested in VENDING OPPORTUNITES for 11/17 Philly event. CONTACT US NOW TO RESERVE YOUR TABLES!!!
The WWE & TNA Weekend Schedule
Here is the WWE weekend schedule:
- The WWE RAW brand runs tomorrow in Melbourne, Australia. They will then head home for Monday's RAW in Chicago.
- The SmackDown brand runs tomorrow in Des Moines, IA and Sunday in Madison, WI.
- Advertized for the SmackDown house shows are the following:
* Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett vs. Alberto Del Rio
* Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
- SmackDown will be taped Tuesday in Moline, IL.
-- Here is the TNA weekend schedule:
- TNA runs tonight in Richmond, Virginia at The Verizon Wireless Arena at the Stuart C. Siegel Center.
- They then run tomorrow in Bowie, Maryland at the Prince George's Stadium for a Basebrawl event.
- Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, James Storm, Chris Daniels, Kazarian have all been announced for the events.
Confirmed SD Matches
Here are tonight's confirmed WWE SmackDown matches:
* World champion Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow
* Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
* Kane vs. Alberto Del Rio
* Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
* Kaitlyn vs. Natalya
* The Prime Time Players vs. Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd
* Also appearing are Booker T, Sin Cara and Vickie Guerrero
Two Men Charged With Theft Of TNA Title Belts reports that Joel Luke and Forrest Jamison have been charged with second-degree theft. The two men were charged with stealing an authentic and replica TNA World Title belt on August 18th in Ottumwa, Iowa, where TNA had put on a house show.
The police say that the authentic belt was valued at $6,000 and the replica belt was valued at $400. Luke was released on $5,000 bail while Jamison was released on $3,000 bail.
Dolph Ziggler Speaks Out On Living His Dream
As noted earlier here on the website, WWE star Dolph Ziggler recently did an interview with to promote next Tuesday night's SmackDown tapings. The show will take place in Moline, Illinois. Here are some additional highlights from the interview:
On wanting to be the best ever: “I always saw myself as a great sports entertainer and wanted to be the best,” he added. “I have prided myself on my matches and work and entertainment. I want to be, at the end of my career, the greatest ever.”
On living his dream by being a WWE Superstar: "True story. When I was 5 years old, I went to my first WWE live event with my dad. I loved it so much I wanted to start wrestling. Two months later, I was wrestling at 5 years old. It’s been a dream job since I was a child."
On backstage politics in WWE: “I’d been such a fan and paid such close attention that there weren’t too many (surprises) “But it’s like any other job. There’s politics involved, there’s being friends with different people, knowing what to say and what not to say.
The New NWA Owners Revealed
The NWA sent out the following press release:
Houston, TX . . . International Wrestling Corp, LLC, a Texas corporation with headquarters in Houston, has acquired exclusive ownership of the National Wrestling Alliance™ brand ("NWA™").
Corporate Officers of International Wrestling Corp, LLC are:
R. Bruce Tharpe, Esq. – President and Chief Executive Officer.
Fred Rubenstein – Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
Chris Ronquillo – Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
The National Wrestling Alliance™ is the oldest and largest sanctioning body in professional wrestling. NWA™ branded events have been and continue to be promoted around the world since 1948.
Former NWA™ World Heavyweight Champions include:
Lou Thesz, Harley Race, Shinya Hashimoto, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Dan Severn, Jeff Jarrett, Gene Kiniski, Terry Funk, Pat O'Connor, "Whipper" Billy Watson, Sting, Masahiro Chono, Ron Killings, The Sheik, Ricky Steamboat, Tatsumi Fujinami, The Great Muta, Orville Brown, Buddy Rogers, Barry Windham, Ron Garvin, Gary Steele.
The current NWA™ World Heavyweight Champion is Adam Pearce.
TNA iMPACT Full Results - Angle-Hardy, BFG Series
This week's live TNA Impact opened with a video package recapping last week's events, notably Tara pinning Miss Tessmacher, the latest Bound for Glory Series outcomes, and the end of A.J. Styles/Claire blackmail storyline.
Impact Zone: Mike Tenay introduced the show, focusing on the Aces & Eights group causing chaos last week. TNA then rolled video from last week when A&E arrived on motorcycles and picked a fight with Team Sting before injuring TNA World Hvt. champion Austin Aries.
After the video aired, Aries's music played to bring out the World champ sporting a cast over his injured right arm. In the ring, Aries addressed A&E's attack. He said they brought in 20 guys to create a diversion, then had six guys single him out to injure his arm. Aries said people are wondering if he will relinquish the title after the attack. But, that won't be the case. He said he might not be medically cleared to wrestle tonight, but that doesn't mean he can't fight. Also, he's left-handed, so his good hand is ready for some fighting. Aries called out the group and said he'll sit in the ring all night until A&E answers his challenge.
After a pause, Hulk Hogan's music played to bring out Hollywood Hogan and Sting, whom Tenay described as the "unified leaders" of TNA. On-stage, Hogan said he wants The Champ to calm down because they come in peace. Hogan said he just wants to let everyone know that he is back as GM. After thanking Sting for running the show, Hogan said things are going to run exactly how he wants them to go. He noted A&E messed with him, this business, his family, and wrestlers in the back. So, if they want a blood-bath, they're here to have one. Hogan told Aries they're here for support and Aries can have whatever he wants tonight.
Aries said he has a pretty long list of things he wants, but number one in his list is getting his hands on the group. He said he doesn't care who it is, but he wants one of them to fight him tonight. Suddenly, the group appeared on the video screen. The spokesperson with the modulated voice said they do things on their terms and on their time. He mockingly asked Aries how his wing is doing. After the other members had a chuckle, the spokesperson said the group will let Aries and everyone else know what A&E is all about tonight. Back live, Aries acted annoyed by this development.
Still to come tonight: Joe vs. Styles, Angle vs. Hardy, and RVD vs. James Storm in BFG Series matches. They cut to shots of Van Dam and Storm warming up backstage ahead of their match up next.
[Commercial Break]
Pre-taped Video: ODB was on the phone looking for her TV husband, Eric Young. ODB said in her voice-mail that they're done if he doesn't call back in 15 minutes. 15 minutes passed, but no call from EY. ODB said she misses EY, so she'll extend the deadline to next week.
[Q2] After the announces reviewed the BFG Series standings, TNA rolled a video package on tonight's matches continuing to build to the Final Four at No Surrender.
Impact Zone: Van Dam came out first and Tenay said he RVD needs to win one of his final two BFG Series matches to nail down a spot in the Final Four. James Storm, the current points-leader, was out next looking to solidify his spot in the Final Four in his last Series match.
1 -- JAMES STORM vs. ROB VAN DAM -- BFG Series match
After the bell sounded, Tenay passed along some news that the final #1 points-leader will be able to select his Final Four semi-final opponent at No Surrender. RVD and Storm looked a bit off in their exchanges early on before RVD knocked Storm to the outside. Van Dam followed with a plancha to the outside, which sent Impact to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back live, Storm scored a close nearfall in the ring. RVD came back with a step-through kick to the face before charging Storm with a corner roundhouse kick. Next was Rolling Thunder for a two count. RVD was slow to follow up, allowing Storm to deliver an implant DDT for a two count. RVD sold being out cold as Storm dragged him to his feet to deliver Eye of the Storm for a close two count.
Storm followed up with right hand slaps before RVD reversed a corner whip and monkey-flipped Storm out of the corner. RVD continued to sell grogginess, then posed for the hard camera, which cost RVD the match, as he tried a somersault corner splash, but Storm intercepted him with a mid-air Last Call Superkick. Storm with the pin for the win to pad his first-place lead.
WINNER: Storm at 11:16 to earn 7 BFG Series points. The match just never clicked mixing a fighter/brawler like Storm with an overly-choreographed high-flyer like RVD.
[Q3] Ringside: Christy Hemme brought in James Storm for a post-match interview. Hemme made Storm's arrival in the Final Four official before Storm excitedly said he did exactly what he said he was going to do when he came back to TNA - win the BFG Series and go on to win the TNA World Title.
Backstage: Former Knockouts champion Madison Rayne was shown making her way down the hallway. The announcers weren't sure what she was coming out for, suggesting an in-ring segment next.
[Commercial Break]
Impact Zone: Madison Rayne's music played to bring out Rayne for a match announced by Hemme. Tenay recapped the Rayne/Earl Hebner storyline before Rayne took the mic. And, in the background was referee Taryn Terrell. In the ring, Hemme said she received a call from Brooke Hogan during the week letting her know that she would be getting her Knockouts Title re-match tonight. To further confuse things, ODB came out instead of Tessmacher. On-stage, ODB said she has some bad news for Rayne because she also got a phone call from Brooke, who told her she has a match tonight. Rayne said that's not true. ODB ignored Tessmacher and said it's the two of them tonight. But, Rayne wanted nothing to do with ODB, who hit the ring ready for a match.
2 -- MADISON RAYNE vs. ODB -- Taryn Terrell referee
After Madison insulted ODB as "trailer trash," ODB spit liquid in Rayne's face to officially start things. ODB then finished off Rayne in 30 seconds.
WINNER: ODB at 0:26.
After the match, Eric Young emerged on-stage dressed in a suit wearing shades and holding beer and chicken. EY hit the ring and presented his "wife" with presents before she tried to figure out this man was before him. ODB demanded to know where EY has been the past two months, and EY replied that he's been in Hollywood filming a show. EY was ready to leave, but ODB wanted to know who he is. "Where is my husband that I married?" ODB said, saying EY isn't who she married. EY said she's right that this suit doesn't look right. To begin addressing matters, EY started a slow clap before removing his suit jacket, dress shirt, and pants, revealing a U-S-A Speedo. This prompted a big smooch from ODB.
[Q4] Video package: The Styles/Claire story...must...continue. TNA recapped events last week when Claire Lynch's attorney revealed Claire's plot to work with Daniels and Kaz to blackmail Styles.
Backstage: Styles said he's glad this whole thing is over. He said there's a time and place to face Kaz and Daniels again, but right now he's focused on entering the Final Four of the BFG Series. He vowed to go through Samoa Joe tonight to accomplish that.
Up Next: Prichard, Taz, and Al Snow talk Gut Check.
[Commercial Break]
Gut Check last week: Al Snow said he was very disappointed by Kris Lewie last week. Prichard said if you're going to come in for Gut Check, then be ready. Taz said Lewie choked. Prichard said there are some obvious negatives, but there are some positives. Taz focused on his back-story and sob story. Hey, there are 1,003,305 people out there with a sob story, so they should be able to do better than that. There were no other positives the judges could identify. Prichard told them to keep an open mind about Lewie. Taz said he thinks he's made his decision, but he'll try to keep an open mind.
Backstage: Sting and Hogan talked about smelling blood. Sting wanted to blow a gasket, apparently on Aces & Eights, but Hogan told him to let the slow build-up take place. Then, Kaz and Daniels walked in to have a discussion with Hogan. Daniels told Kaz to speak first. Kaz reminded Sting and Hogan that they have iron-clad TNA contracts and they're all friends. Hogan said they're not friends and they hate Kaz and Daniels's stinking guts. He then noted Styles isn't done with them and he'll get his revenge. And, his tag champions are going to fight. Hogan told them he'll decide when and where, and he hopes they get their brains beat out. Daniels and Kaz tried to act calm before slowly walking away after the tongue-lashing.
Up Next: Styles vs. Joe in a BFG Series match.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, TNA aired a video package on Styles vs. Joe before the announcers reviewed each man's place in the BFG Series standings. Just before the top of the hour, Christy Hemme introduced A.J. Styles.
[Q5 -- second hour] The announcers recapped Styles's name being cleared of the Claire Lynch allegations before discussing Styles desperately needing points tonight to slip into the Final Four of the standings. Samoa Joe then came out to face Styles. Before the bell, TNA replayed Magnus blasting Joe's forearm with a steel chair two weeks ago on Impact.
3 -- A.J. STYLES vs. SAMOA JOE -- BFG Series match
The two men felt each other out early on before Styles slipped to the floor to regroup. Back in the ring, Joe back-elbowed Styles into the ropes, but Styles came back with a kick to the knees to begin working on Joe's lower body. Styles knocked Joe to the outside, then tried a plancha, but Joe kicked him in the gut to block. Back in the ring, Joe delivered a big snap powerslam for a two count. Tenay said that reminds him of K-1 kickboxing coming to Spike TV. Anyway, Joe followed with a modified cross-face into a bow & arrow looking for a submission victory, but Styles reached the bottom rope for a break.
At 5:30, Joe scooped up Styles for an atomic drop before delivering a big-boot to the face. But, Joe airballed a flying butt splash to give Styles an opening. Styles delivered right hand slaps and punches before going to the corner for a springboard forearm smash. Styles then Pele Kick'ed Joe's bad arm and followed with a cross arm-breaker attempt. But, Joe escaped via rope break. Styles tried to follow in the corner, but Joe intercepted with an E. Honda frontslam.
Joe, fired up, stalked Styles for the rear-naked choke, but Styles countered with a quick roll-up for a two count. Then, Joe came back with the rear-naked choke, but Styles countered into an armbar. Joe didn't tap, though, before shifting his weight on top of Styles to pin A.J.'s shoulders to the mat for a three count. Post-match: Styles sold dejection in the ring as the announcers noted submission wrestling is not Styles's style, but he needed the 10 points.
WINNER: Joe at 8:09 to earn 7 BFG Series points. Great start to the second hour after a poor first hour. Also, an excellent example of what a fluid, compelling big-man vs. high-flyer match looks like, unlike the Storm vs. RVD match earlier.
Earlier Tonight: Aces & Eights taunted Austin Aries.
Backstage: Lewie was shown preparing for his Gut Check evaluation up next.
[Commercial Break]
[Q6] Backstage: Kurt Angle was shown talking about the importance of his match against Jeff Hardy tonight to determine who advances to the Final Four. Angle hyped his credentials and said he can't let Hardy beat him tonight. Angle vowed to win the World Title at Bound for Glory.
Impact Zone: JB was in the ring with Taz, Bruce Prichard, and Al Snow. After formally introducing each judge, JB welcomed out Kris Lewie for his evaluation. Lewie came to the ring and JB asked him if he gave his best last week. Lewie nervously said he gets better every week. JB the formal Gut Check intro before asking Taz for his thoughts. Taz said he respects anyone who tries to make a career as a pro wrestler and comes out on national television to compete, but, quite frankly, Impact Wrestling is above his head. So, it's a no. Prichard spoke next. He said he doesn't like JB's Gut Check intro, then did his own rendition that drew silence. Prichard talked about Lewie having a great story, but said Lewie needs to wake up from the dream because this business is not for him. TNA cut to a shot of his wife and child ringside. JB said that's two no's, so his Gut Check is over.
Suddenly, Joey Ryan was heard on a megaphone yelling at the judges. Ryan, on the front row, cut a promo on Al Snow, calling him a corporate stooge. Snow and Ryan had an exchange, then Ryan grabbed a cup from a ringside "fan" and threw a liquid in Snow's face. Prichard held Snow back as Snow tried to hop the guardrail, then Snow broke through the guardrail and chased after Joey Ryan while Prichard jogged after him.
Up next: Angle vs. Hardy in the main event.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: Joseph Park is back. Park was shown addressing Hulk Hogan and Sting in the GM office. He said Aces & Eights has violated several laws and he thinks he might be able to get them on racketeering. Park wanted to be allowed to investigate the group and determine what they're up to. Sting, going back several weeks ago, told Park to "kayfab" this conversation.
Ringside: MMA fighters were shown ringside promoting Bellator.
[Q7] Impact Zone: Jeff Hardy came out first for the TV main event for a "must-win match," according to Tenay, who also noted Hardy faces Samoa Joe next week on Impact. The other match remaining after tonight is RVD vs. Bully Ray, who has not appeared on the show yet. Once Hardy and Angle settled into the ring, JB handled formal ring intros for tonight's main event. Of note, JB slipped in a plug that Wrangler's Jeans is sponsoring the main event.
4 -- KURT ANGLE vs. JEFF HARDY -- BFG Series match
Angle started things off with mat-based submissions trying to get a quick ten points, but Hardy cut him off with high-flying. Hardy corkscrewed Angle to the floor, then landed a double-foot dropkick through the ropes. Hardy followed with a flying splash on the outside. Back in the ring, Angle cut off Hardy to slow down the pace leading to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back live, Hardy unloaded on Angle with a series of high-flying moves, but could only score a two count. Hardy teased the Twist of Fate, but Angle blocked and nailed a German Suplex. He wasn't done, though, and ripped off two more. Angle then stalked Hardy for the Angle Slam, but Hardy easily escaped and hit the Twist of Fate. Hardy covered Angle, but Angle escaped just before three, stunning Hardy. Hardy came back with Whisper in the Wind and scored a near, near, nearfall.
At 9:00, Hardy measured Angle for a clothesline, but Angle belly-to-belly suplexed him, then dropped the straps. Angle wanted the Angle Slam and connected this time. He covered, but Hardy kicked out of Angle's finisher, going tit-for-tat. Angle then teased the Anklelock, but Hardy countered into a pin for a two count. Hardy then hit a second Twist of Fate before climbing up top. Hardy wanted the Swanton Bomb, and he connected. Hardy covered, but Angle popped his shoulder just before three again. The pro-Hardy crowd shrieked, thinking Hardy got the win
[Q8] Hardy went back to the well, but Angle cut him off up-top. Hardy blocked Angle, though, and shoved him down to the mat. Hardy followed with a second Swanton Bomb and this one was good for the pin and the win as the Impact Zone went nuts for Hardy. Post-match: Angle sold with tears, realizing his journey back to the World Title was over. Hardy sold the effects of the match before TNA replayed the high points from the match. Back live, Angle was shown looking down at the mat contemplating his future.
WINNER: Hardy at 11:16 to earn 7 BFG Series points. This was the best piece of television TNA has produced in a while with a hot crowd, great wrestling action, announcers having something compelling to invest in, and the thrill of victory and agony of defeat on full-display.
Impact Zone: After Angle cleared out, JB entered the ring to introduce the Final Five of the BFG Series. JB introduced Hardy, who was still selling in the ring, then James Storm, Samoa Joe, RVD, and Bully Ray. JB announced that next week, one of these five will be eliminated when the final two BFG Series matches occur. JB noted Storm has already guaranteed a spot in the Final Four, then he plugged Ray vs. RVD and Hardy vs. Joe as the final two matches next week. Fireworks shot off as Bully and RVD got in each other's faces to promote their match next week. Tenay said it's high-stakes and high-pressure next week on Impact.
Backstage: Austin Aries was shown walking down the hallway. He's up next to see what Aces & Eights has in-store for him.
[Commercial Break]
Impact Zone: Back live, Austin Aries's music played to bring out the TNA Champ for the second time tonight. Aries marched to the ring with possession of his title belt, then quickly ripped off his suit jacket and entered the ring with purpose to call out Aces & Eights for a fight. Aries paced the ring awaiting a response, but no sign of the group. And, like at the top of the show, Hogan's music answered instead. After a pause, Hogan emerged on-stage, followed by Sting, Storm, Bully Ray, and other top stars. Hogan called out Aces & Eights for a blood bath, which Aries echoed from inside the ring.
A few members emerged through the back entrance of the Impact Zone and Aries called out the ugly one. Hogan and Co. slowly made their way down the entrance ramp to back up Aries before Hogan implored Aces & Eights to send their finest into the ring to fight Aries. One dude entered through the guardrail for an Aries vs. faceless man fight. The faceless man landed a right hand, but Aries tackled him. Then, Aces & Eights hit the ring, so the TNA roster hit the ring to start a brawl. After everyone cleared out of the ring, Aries dropkicked the faceless man.
Suddenly, a random man entered the ring with his face exposed. The random man put a cover over his face, then popped Aries in the head with an illegal object. The man left as Ray chased him away. Ray shouted, "flapjack," as Aries remained KO'ed ringside. There was a commotion off-camera as the fight apparently continued ringside, but the camera stayed in the ring. The scattershot filming of this segment concluded with Aries KO'ed in the ring as Ray sold concern, Sting paced around, Storm paced around, and Hogan remained standing ringside.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Broken record time. Another good final hour of Impact hurt by the latest non-development in this Aces & Eights deal that has dragged on too long without a real development. TNA has to identify someone from this group that the audience can identify or relate to. Pro wrestling is about compelling stars fighting over an issue fans can invest in and care about, which is what Angle vs. Hardy was all about. Aries fighting a faceless person with no connection to the audience made for bad television, then another fake brawl breaking out nearly turned this into unintentional comedy time.
Two Matches Set For Next Week's iMPACT! Revealed
TNA has announced the following matches for iMPACT! next week; both matches are Bound for Glory series matches and the final two in the series to determine the "Final Four" at No Surrender.
* Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy
* Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Drew McIntyre Addresses Lack Of TV Time
Drew McIntyre recently posted the following on Twitter, discussing his lack of TV time… "Sometimes in life, you got to step back and realize no matter what you have accomplished or you feel the world owes you. In reality, you're damn lucky to even be involved in WWE. I know you're all calling for a's not time yet ;)," That's exactly the right thing to say! :-)
Dolph Ziggler Talks About Politics In WWE & Wanting To Be The Best Ever
Dolph Ziggler was interviewed this week by to promote next Tuesday night's SmackDown tapings from Moline, Illinois. Here are some highlights of what Ziggler said about:
Living His Dream In WWE: "True story. When I was 5 years old, I went to my first WWE live event with my dad. I loved it so much I wanted to start wrestling. Two months later, I was wrestling at 5 years old. It’s been a dream job since I was a child."
Politics In WWE: “I’d been such a fan and paid such close attention that there weren’t too many (surprises) “But it’s like any other job. There’s politics involved, there’s being friends with different people, knowing what to say and what not to say.
Wanting To Be The Best Ever: “I always saw myself as a great sports entertainer and wanted to be the best,” he added. “I have prided myself on my matches and work and entertainment. I want to be, at the end of my career, the greatest ever.”
Tyler Reks Issues Press Release On WWE Departure
Tyler Reks sent out the following today…
WWE Superstar Tyler Reks Resigns to Spend Time With Family and Opens an Internet Marketing and Consulting Company
WWE Superstar Tyler Reks has abruptly and surprisingly resigned from the world of professional wrestling and sports entertainment. He has set a path to be a family man and has started an internet marketing and consulting company called Local Marketing 2.0.
Los Angeles, CA -- 08/28/2012 -- The life a WWE Superstar is physically and emotionally demanding. Both of which Tyler Reks, AKA: the Dreadlocked Demolition Man, had no issues with until his first daughter was born last year. In a shocking and unforeseen event, the promising superstar threw in the towel this week to pursue family life and build his internet marketing company.
"Leaving my wife and my daughter to go to TV tapings was hard enough as it was. With the latest TV persona though, my tag team partner and I were scheduled to begin appearances on live events. Being based in California, I would be leaving on a Friday night red eye and not returning home until Wednesday afternoon. I just couldn't be the father I had always wanted to be with the required schedule."
With WWE being a global social media leader, Reks, (who's real name is Gabe Tuft) is no stranger to the internet. In fact, he was quietly building his internet marketing company in the background over the past 6 months. Having formed a powerful team that includes several industry experts, Tuft has already garnered a considerable amount of notable clients which include Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Mazda, Comfort Inn, Hilton, Best Western and a slew of web 2.0, dot com, and other local enterprises.
"If you want to boost sales for your business, you have to be seen on the internet. Simply put, Google is your new business card. If you're not showing up on the first page for your keywords, then you might as well not exist as a business. Local Marketing 2.0 can absolutely get you there."
The move from entertainment to corporate may come as a shock to some, but Tuft has an extensive background with the corporate world. He graduated Cal-Poly, San Luis Obispo with a degree in civil engineering and he's previously owned two companies, namely Xclusiv Development and Xclusiv Fitness. The first was a land development company and the latter was a personal training center.
With regards to Tuft's most recent company, Local Marketing 2.0, it's a Northern California based company with offices in Sonoma and Napa County. The company tagline is "Internet Profitability Specialists" and Tuft guarantees that every advertising dollar spent on digital marketing will be justified through web analytics – software that shows you how many visitors your site gets and how many of them are converting into leads and sales.
"Numbers don't lie. That's the beauty of what we do. Using proven algorithms and formulas to boost online web traffic and turning them into leads can all be tracked using analytics. We give you the raw data at the end of the month so you know exactly how your money is being spent. "
Here's a quick video illustrating what the company does:
Tuft is encouraging his WWE fans that need his company's services not to be afraid to contact him.
"I don't want anyone who may be a potential client to think they can't call me because of my TV personality. In reality, I'm really a nice guy and I want to help as many people as possible be successful with their businesses. We're all in this together; we are just different pieces of the same puzzle."
Jim Ross Blogs: Triple H's RAW Promo, Ending Of RAW, More
Jim Ross has a new blog entry up at Here are the highlights…
On Triple H's Work on RAW: The HHH highlights brought back some great memories for me including The Game's 2X3 fall bout with @steveaustinBSR in Vegas on PPV which was the night after I called an XFL game in the rain in Chicago. I was at the right place at the right time to see and broadcast HHH's career truly evolve in WWE and his bouts with such men as HBK and Undertaker are some of my all time favorites.HHH's promo certainly left the door open as to his in ring future. I'm thinking that he won't be able to walk away just yet from competing but time will tell.
On The Closing Segment of RAW: The last segment of Raw inside the cage was a superb way to end the three hour broadcast as it paid off an issue, Punk vs. Lawler, and put the WWE Champion back with his #1 contender, John Cena, who Punk will face in the main event at Night of Champions PPV. Punk is at the top of his game while King is undoubtedly one of the best ever inside the ropes. I can assure you that Jerry had more fun, even in a losing, painful effort, in the ring Monday night than he would broadcasting ten Raws. Punk getting several staples in his head after contacting the steel cage is not exactly the way I would want to start a multi hour flight to Australia.
On Young Talent: Young talents have to realize that they HAVE to improve or they will be bypassed by someone who wants it a little bit more. One thing is for sure, young wrestlers cannot make it to the Promised Land simply by investing in their careers while they are at work either training or at a live event. It's a full time investment of their time including daily DVD study. The process is going to continue to get more challenging to not only get a contract but to 'make it.' Competition is good for everyone.
On Todd Grisham & The Coach: Really proud of @GrishamESPN and @TheCoachESPN for their tag team effort hosting SportsCenter on ESPN. Two great guys and who have both found their true calling. Both will evolve into big stars for their network much sooner than later. Todd even gave JR's BBQ a shout out I'm told Tuesday night. Cool.
You can read the full blog by clicking here.
Shelton Benjamin Rips The Barbarian For Not Paying Wrestlers
Shelton Benjamin posted the following angry rant on Twitter, noting that a tour of Africa put together by The Barbarian resulted in Benjamin and other talents not being paid…
"If any wrestler is asked by UPW/ Barbarian of Powers of Pain 2 got 2 Nigeria, get 100% of your $$ Upfront. stiffed me & the entire Crew last yr. or if U know a wrestler planning to tour with UPW/Barbarian "P.O.P" please inform them of my warning. I respect all talent that came before me and appreciate what they do but when a so called legend stiff his talent, some of which are not as fortunate as me to have made quite bit of $$ that person and his spouse Can go to Hell. Yes I'm referring only to The Barbarian. NOT WARLORD. to mention myself @valvenisent @jefflewis and a few other guys basically could have been killed when the bomb went of in Abuja the day before that bomb went off we were yards away from the embassy, and this MO'Fo turns around and stiffs talent. F--- YOU BARBARIAN!!!. To my fans please excuse my language but I held this in a long time hoping that Barbarian would reconcile the situation but like a true liar and Thief he nor anyone else answers calls or returns and if by accident they do pick up they hang up immediately. Thank God I have and still make a good living but I feel sorry for those guys who really depended on their pay-offs"
Devon Suggests He's Leaving TNA Wrestling, Bully Ray On The Way Out Too?
Devon, whose contract with TNA Wrestling is reportedly set to expire this week, suggested on Twitter Wednesday evening that he's parting ways with the organization effective immediately.
The TNA Television Champion wrote, "I would like to thank the tna fans for making the last seven years fun . im sure we will see each other again down the road real soon.
"im ready to see where god bring me to next. i cant wait . i see big thing on the way
It would appear that his departure is due to both parties being unable to reach an agreement on a new contract. He re-tweeted a message stating, "I'll say this you boys deserve what ever you're asking for plus 25%."
Bully Ray, whose contract will also expire this week, suggested on Twitter that he will part ways with the organization in October at Bound For Glory, which takes place in Phoenix, Arizona.
"Dont mattah where ya start..mattahs where ya finish. See ya in Phoenix!! STRONGEST THE LONGEST. #BULLYNATION," he wrote
WWE NXT's Bray Wyatt Returning Next Month, Teases That He Won't Be Alone
WWE NXT star Bray Wyatt, the former Husky Harris, suffered a torn pec back in June and it was reported that he would be out of action for around six months. Wyatt took to Twitter last night and announced that he will be returning to NXT at the September 20th tapings from Full Sail University.
Wyatt teases that he will be bringing some new faces with him:
"Do you believe? The wait is almost over........"
"September the 20th. Full sail university #returnOfWyatt"
"Time to change the world. I will no longer be alone, i want to introduce you to my family"
Drew McIntyre Says WWE's Current Generation Has a Chance to Save Wrestling
WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre took to Twitter last night to talk about a revolution in WWE. The pic that McIntyre mentioned in the last tweet is a photo of him and Bret Hart, taken when McIntyre was 22. Here's what he wrote:
"Sometimes in life, you got to step back and realize no matter what you have accomplished or you feel the world owes you. In reality, you're damn lucky to even be involved in WWE. I know you're all calling for a's not time yet ;)"
"After all, no matter what the net says. Wrestlings future is ours!! The current generation have a chance to save our business, and if we don't wrestling as we know it is finished. Taker, hunter, Pat, Bret(this pic is for when I was 22)"
Tonight's Episode of TNA Impact Wrestling - Three Matches and More Confirmed
The following is confirmed for tonight's TNA Impact Wrestling on Spike:
* Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle in a Bound For Glory Series Match
* Rob Van Dam vs. James Storm in a Bound For Glory Series Match
* Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles in a Bound For Glory Series Match
* An update on Austin Aries following the Aces & 8s attack
* Will Kris Lewie earn a spot on the TNA roster in Gutcheck?
* Madison Rayne will have a surprise
Booker T Discusses the WWE Hall of Fame, Wrestling Another Match and More
Ardca Ocal of The Score has posted part 2 of his interview with SmackDown General Manager Booker T.
In the interview embedded below, Booker talks about wanting to wrestle at least one more match for WWE against one of the younger stars. Booker also talks about wanting his brother Stevie Ray to induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame and more.
THQ Reveals Availability Of Several New “Attitude Era”-Themed Items In WWE '13
THQ issued the following Wednesday:
Woking, UK. - August 29, 2012 - THQ Inc. today announced the availability of several “Attitude Era”-themed items in support of WWE® 13, the forthcoming release from the revolutionary WWE flagship videogame franchise. Featuring a variety of apparel choices from popular WWE Superstars, including Undertaker®, Mankind™ and The Rock, the items are available now via Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft for suggested retail pricing between 160 and 320 Microsoft Points.
The WWE ’13 avatar items and their suggested price points are as follow:
Undertaker Outfit (male and female) – 320 Microsoft Points
Mankind Outfit (male and female) – 320 Microsoft Points
Kane Outfit (male and female) – 320 Microsoft Points
The Godfather Outfit (male and female) – 320 Microsoft Points
Bret Hart Outfit (male and female) – 320 Microsoft Points
The Rock “This Is Your Life” Outfit (male and female) – 320 Microsoft Points
DX T-Shirt (male and female) – 240 Microsoft Points
WWE “Attitude Era” Championship Title – 240 Microsoft Points
WWE Hardcore Championship Title – 240 Microsoft Points
Official WWE ’13 “Attitude Era” Theme – 240 Microsoft Points
WWE ’13 is currently in development for the Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™ system from Nintendo, with a scheduled release date of November 2, 2012 in UK. For more information, please visit,
- WWE '13 is available for pre-order on the PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii on WWE '13's schedule release date is October 30, 2012.
Punk vs. Lawler News
The last segment of Raw inside the cage was a superb way to end the three hour broadcast as it paid off an issue, Punk vs. Lawler, and put the WWE Champion back with his #1 contender, John Cena, who Punk will face in the main event at Night of Champions PPV. Punk is at the top of his game while King is undoubtedly one of the best ever inside the ropes. I can assure you that Jerry had more fun, even in a losing, painful effort, in the ring Monday night than he would broadcasting ten Raws. Punk getting several staples in his head after contacting the steel cage is not exactly the way I would want to start a multi hour flight to Australia.
Idea Discussed for Ric Flair In WWE
Ric Flair and his wife Jacqueline Beems are currently going through a divorce. This would be Flair's fourth. There has been talk of replacing Vickie Guerrero with Flair as Dolph Ziggler's mouthpiece but there's no word yet on how serious those talks are. Flair would be legally able to work for WWE on September 10th.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Update on Steve Austin's Health
The surgery that Steve Austin had back in July was full blown reconstructive surgery to repair his ACL and PCL. Austin has been doing three hours of physical therapy three times a week and is hopeful to be ready for action movie roles again in January.
Austin wrestling at WrestleMania 29 is a longshot, mainly since The Rock and Brock Lesnar are booked for the show and the focus wouldn't be on him as strong as it should. Austin wants to be 100% for a return match and if he does, wants to have complete creative control.
Breaking News: WWE Diva Tried Bribing Cops
As noted late last night here on the website, WWE Diva "Cameron", real name Ariane Andrew, was arrested on a charge of driving under the influence. The Funkette was arrested on Friday at 2:23 AM in Hillsborough County, Florida and was released on a $500 bond.
As we reported, Andrew was arrested on the corner of Jim Walter Boulevard and West Shore Boulevard North on Friday, August 24th. She was released after paying a $500 surety bond the next afternoon. She listed Wells Fargo (Sales Associate) as her employer, not WWE, on her arrest report.
In an update on this, the police report has now been released and there are several new shocking details. According to the report, the arrest took place just outside of the Tampa International Airport and "Cameron" allegedly tried bribing the police officer who pulled her over with $10,000 to let her go free.
The report notes that "Cameron" had a blood alcohol content of .20. That is more than twice the legal limit in the state of Florida. A male passenger in the car told police they had been out drinking martinis prior to being pulled over. "Cameron" then offered one of the officers $10,000 to "let her go because she would lose her job.".
When WWE was contacted about the arrest, they noted: "Ariane [Cameron] did not alert us to this matter, we are investigating and will take appropriate action."
The moral of the story is - she's in deep trouble and tried to keep WWE from finding out about the arrest.
CM Punk Disputes Online Report That He Purposely Bladed His Head On Raw
Upon landing in Australia today for WWE's three-event tour of the country, WWE Champion CM Punk posted numerous messages on Twitter disputing an online report attributed to claiming that he purposely bladed his forehead during his Steel Cage Match against Jerry Lawler on Raw. According to the report, Punk appeared to blade his forehead before returning to the cage a second time and then appeared to hand the used object to official Charles Robinson.
Enclosing a photo of the top of his head stapled, Punk wrote, "The staples are fake too."
He then remarked, "I paid Charles Robinsons fine. #respect."
It was speculated in the same report that since there was reportedly no fallout backstage, Punk has more power backstage than imagined or successfully argued that he did not blade and it was a hardway cut—blading is prohibited in WWE.
In response, Punk wrote, "And yes, I have more power than you could possibly imagine.
"500k fine. Drop in the bucket. Bucket of blood!"
He also re-tweeted a message stating, "Because you can't possibly get staples/stitches after a bladejob... #cmpunklogic #stopworkingus."
Heath Slater Becomes A Daddy
SmackDown Superstar Heath Slater is the proud parent of a baby girl. TNA Wrestling talent Jesse Sorensen stated Wednesday on Twitter, "Congratulations to @HeathSlaterOMRB @meanstephiejean on the birth of their beautiful baby girl! #GonnaBeGreatParents."
Congratulations from YWR!
Congratulations from YWR!
Chris Jericho Speaks Out - Compares WWE & Fozzy & More
Chris Jericho recently spoke with Loudwire about working with Fozzy as compared to WWE and more. Here are the highlights…
On Comparing Working With Fozzy to Working With WWE: "You get bigger chunks of time off when you're traveling with Fozzy, but you get more time away from home with the WWE. I just like being on the road. I've been on the road ever since I was 19 years-old, so it's something that I do, and it's something that I always do, and I'm just glad to have Fozzy growing to where we've grown. When wrestling is long gone, I'll still be traveling the world with the band and that's a pretty cool feeling."
On His Recent Return to WWE: "The only reason why I came back this time to the WWE, for the nine months I was back, is because we were recording a new record and my contribution is writing the lyrics and singing. I had all the lyrics written before the record started, and then once we started recording, I've got 15 days of work and other than that I'm not doing anything. So, it was a perfect time for me to come back to the WWE for not a short run, but a decent size run. Like I said, the record is coming out, it's time to go back full-time with Fozzy and see where the road takes me then."
You can check out the full interview by clicking here.
CM Punk Talks About Bleeding On RAW This Week
CM Punk posted the following on Twitter, regarding blood in the main event on RAW…
The staples are fake too.
I paid Charles Robinsons fine. #respect
And yes, I have more power than you could possibly imagine.
The Five Best Suitors to Challenge The Undertakers Streak
Hey everyone, last wrestlemania the legendary Undertaker became 20-0 and continue his streak. This years wrestlemania has a lot of star power as well as some veterans who would like a chance. Here is my list of the top five who may take on the Undertaker and his streak:
5. Sheamus
Sheamus has had a huge year all ready and has been on a tear since winning the royal rumble. Sheamus hasn't even lost a match in months, and has even stated he would like to face Undertaker at wrestlemania. Sheamus may have a chance at the streak since he has mass starpower over the wwe universe and his match against the Undertaker could be a classic.
4. The Rock
I know, I know many of you want to see the rock take on the undertaker but it doesn't seem likely to happen since he placed himself in the wwe championship scene. The Rock and Undertaker would be a classic matchup and a great, refreshing fued in the sometime boring WWE program.
3. Brock Lesnar
Since Lesnar returned to the WWE he has been an angery heel and wants star power over the whole company. Lesnar has a good shot at facing Undertaker at mania since they are paying him so much money and this match would be a definite blockbuster.This is Lesnar' s suposed last match on his massive contract so WWE would want a superstar type of match from him and what better opponent than Undertaker?
2. Chris Jericho
Even though they never fueded in his long career, Chris has the starpower to make this match a must-see main event. Back in Smackdown, i believe it was 2008, they both had a few amazing matches that fans want to see more of. Jericho and his mic skills would help evlevate thegreat fued, and would be a pleasure to watch in the ring.
1. John Cena
Cena and taker would be a blockbuster for all WWE fans. Cena claims he did almost everything in the current WWE setting-except one major challenge- face the undertaker at wrestlemania. Its everyone's dream to face the taker at wrestlemania and cena can put on a show for the ages. Cena would add great star power to the match and with the other veterans on the show- Wrestlemania 29 could be a show for the ages.
More On The 2013 Hall Of Fame
We noted earlier that there was talk at the WWE SmackDown tapings in Green Bay, WI Tuesday night regarding the possibility of inducting Andy Kaufman into the WWE Hall of Fame. Some feel that the Punk vs. Lawler angle, which has mentioned Kaufman, is "an omen" that they plan to induct him in 2013. In an update on this, if Kaufman is inducted into the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame, that would eliminate any chances of Randy Savage being inducted as they don't want to induct more than one deceased person per year.
The Undertaker & Michelle McCool Have A Baby
WWE SmackDown ring announcer Lilian Garcia congratulated Michelle McCool and The Undertaker on the birth of their child. She wrote on Twitter, "Congrats @McCoolMichelleL & Taker! Soooooo happy 2 hear about ur new bundle of joy!!! #BestWishes!! ;))."
Steve Keirn announced at a Florida Championship Wrestling event in Tampa, Florida earlier this month that the couple were expecting their first child.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts Interview - Advice He Gave To Steve Austin, His Biggest Regret
Jake "The Snake" Roberts appeared on In Your Head. Highlights from the interview are as follows:
What advice did he give to Steve Austin shortly before his career took off?
“Well, I knew that if they ever pushed him that he would wind up a babyface because again he was the same cut as I was as far as being a bad SOB and not doing stuff that was stupid. See, that’s the thing that I drilled into him was don’t go out there and do something that the fans will say, “Hey man that’s BS”, because if you do that you lose your credibility. Once you lose your credibility in the ring you might as well just be Joe Blow, and he never lost his credibility….That was the thing with Steve, I told Steve that when you do turn DON’T CHANGE WHO YOU ARE, because if you do you’re a phony. One of the worst about that was Lex Luger…one week he was a badass, he’d walk to the ring snarling and giving everybody a rough look, and the next week he’s a babyface and he’s out giving high fives. You don’t do that. Once you do that, you’ve told people you’re a complete friggin’ phony and you lose your credibility.”
What was your biggest regret in your life or wrestling?
“Ever doing drugs the first time. Absolutely, because drugs are the biggest lie there ever was. You know, you start out doing them and it’s all a good time and nobody’s gettin’ hurt and it’s for fun. But then that monster turns on you and it becomes not only something you want to do, it’s something you have to do. And that’s when it sucks.”
He also comments on working as a babyface for WWE, who else could perform the DDT well, which wrestler broke his sternum twice, whether any of his promos ever pre-scripted, and more. The interview is available here
WWE Champion CM Punk Reportedly Pulls a Blade Job on RAW, No Backstage Fallout Yet?
It was a move that we used to see every week but rarely see on WWE TV these days. WWE Champion CM Punk reportedly bladed on this week's RAW in the steel cage match against Jerry Lawler. Punk appeared to gig his forehead before returning to the cage a second time and then appeared to hand the blade off to referee Charles Robinson.
At best we can tell, there has been no fallout backstage - meaning Punk has more power than imagined or he successfully argued that he did not blade and that it was a hardway cut. Blading is absolutely prohibited in WWE these days.
Update on Triple H Being Out Until WrestleMania 29, the Brock Lesnar Rematch and More
We noted before that the new working idea was for Triple H to remain out of action until WrestleMania 29 next year. It wasn't known if that would be the date for the Brock Lesnar rematch or if WWE had scrapped the rematch altogether. Sources now report that the working plan is indeed for Lesnar-HHH II to take place at WrestleMania.
Obviously this would nix any plans for Lesnar vs. The Undertaker or Lesnar vs. The Rock. It's important to note that WrestleMania plans are always being worked on but the match they are going with is Lesnar vs. Triple H. While plans do change, it's said that because of Triple H's power, this match probably won't change as many times as the others will.
I reported on Monday that this week's Triple H retirement speech was not planned at SummerSlam when he loss to Lesnar but WWE wasn't happy with the original crowd reaction to his apparent retirement. One person in WWE noted that no matter what anyone claims, the entire reason they shot the retirement segment on Monday night was because they needed to get footage of the "right" crowd reaction meaning fans chanting "thank you Hunter" and other things like that.
Backstage News on Ryback's Character
As seen on RAW, WWE is slowly starting to give Ryback more competition after having him defeat Jack Swagger this week. A source reports that WWE has not "pulled the trigger" and advanced the Ryback character yet because they're afraid of messing it up, believe it or not.
WWE Considers UFC Diss for RAW
The topic of UFC canceling their upcoming pay-per-view was a hot topic backstage at WWE this week. WWE officials considered taking a shot at UFC by having a line on RAW about how they never cancel pay-per-view events.
Update on the WWE Network
A lot of footage was filmed for the WWE Network this past week at WWE HQ in Stamford, CT. It should be noted that given the current time frame for launching the Network, early 2013, most of the "new" programming will be nine months to a year old or more.
Randy Orton Disputes Reports Concerning His Past
Randy Orton took to Twitter Tuesday evening to dispute online reports stating that his starring role in the WWE Studios and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment film The Marine: Homefront was nixed after companies were informed of his dishonorable discharge from the Marines. The claim was attributed to an article published on promoting his feature role in 12 Rounds: Reloaded for WWE Studios and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.
"A Bad Conduct Discharge and a Dishonorable Discharge under the Uniform Code of Military Justice are two different things," Orton wrote. "Come on you 'reporters'! Check your facts, and more importantly your sources! I was given a BCD, not a Dishonorable!! #semperfidelis."
New WWE Video Game In the Works reports that THQ and Yukes are currently working on a next-gen WWE video game, which will be released in two years or so. It was noted that Sony and Microsoft will be announcing next-gen consoles at E3 next year.
Spoiler: New Match Confirmed for WWE's Night of Champions Pay-Per-View
The only match confirmed for WWE's Night of Champions pay-per-view at tonight's SmackDown tapings was Kaitlyn vs. Layla for the Divas Title. So far, the updated confirmed Night of Champions card looks like this:
WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. CM Punk
World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus
WWE Divas Title Match
Kaitlyn vs. Layla
More on Cameron's DUI Arrest
We noted earlier that WWE Diva Cameron was arrested and charged with DUI on Friday morning in Hillsborough County before being released on $500 bond. It's interesting to note that her police report says she refused to take a breathalyzer test. It's also interesting to note that she listed Wells Fargo as her employer and listed her occupation as "sales associate."
WWE Diva Arrested on Friday for Driving Under the Influence, View Her Mugshot Photo
Floyd Mayweather Says He Will Be At WrestleMania 29
New York City-based radio DJ Peter Rosenberg (Hot 97) has conducted exclusive interviews with all of WWE's top superstars and spoke with boxing champion and WrestleMania 24 celebrity Floyd Mayweather this morning. Mayweather spoke about his close relationship with Triple H, a potential dream fight with Manny Pacquiao and dropped the bombshell news that he will be appearing at WrestleMania 29 from the Met Life Stadium in NY/NJ next April.
Mayweather talked about his past experience working with (ie. breaking the nose of) Big Show and told Rosenberg, "I'm about to go back to the WWE." When pressed for a follow-up, he clarified: "WrestleMania."
He repeated, "WrestleMania. I'll be back."
RAW Stars on Losing Streaks
Coming out of last night's RAW, David Otunga is on a 10-match losing streak as far as WWE TV and pay-per-views go. Jack Swagger has lost 9 straight WWE TV or pay-per-view matches.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Dolph Ziggler Touts on Randy Orton
Dolph Ziggler posted the following Tout about his main event match against Randy Orton for this week's SmackDown:
WWE Sibling Rivalries has published an article looking at seven of the most intense sibling rivalries throughout sports-entertainment history. The website notes: "Wouldn't it be nice to challenge your sibling to a No Disqualification Match on Monday Night Raw? In some cases throughout WWE history, that is exactly what happened. Whether a rift is caused by jealousy, a dark family secret or different allegiances, there have been numerous times when brotherly Superstars step inside the ring for the ultimate Thanksgiving dinner bragging rights."
Kidd & Gabriel Name Their Team
After taking suggestions from fans, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd are considering naming their tag team International Airstrike. They posted this Tout today:
After taking suggestions from fans, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd are considering naming their tag team International Airstrike. They posted this Tout today:
Tyler Reks Reveals Why He Left WWE - VIDEO
In his first interview since retiring from pro wrestling, former WWE Superstar Tyler Reks (@GbeTuft) talks to Arda Ocal (@arda_ocal) and Jimmy Korderas (@JimmyKorderas) about making this tough decision.
New Report on When Triple H Will Wrestle Again, Reason for Speech on RAW Last Night
Since SummerSlam, the Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar rematch has been speculated for WWE's Survivor Series and Hell in a Cell pay-per-views.
Now The Wrestling Observer reports that word coming out of RAW was Triple H won't be wrestling again until WrestleMania 29. No word yet if this means Lesnar's WrestleMania opponent will be Triple H or if it means they have nixed the rematch altogether.
WWE originally didn't have a Triple H speech planned for RAW this week. Last night's segment was done because of the crowd reaction they received at SummerSlam. The feeling was that fans didn't take Triple H's "retirement" serious enough at first.
More News on The Rock's WrestleMania Injury
We noted before that The Rock revealed he suffered a torn hamstring in the WrestleMania 28 match against John Cena.
Regarding the injury, it was reportedly just a partial tear of the hamstring and not a full tear. Rock rehabbed the injury while filming Michael Bay's Pain & Gain. A source says that Rock was limping backstage after the Cena match but not enough to cause alarm or get anyone to talking.
Michael Cole Misses Important Spot at RAW
There was heat on Michael Cole after last night's RAW for missing a spot during the CM Punk vs. Jerry Lawler main event. Towards the end of the match, Punk used a Rock Bottom on Lawler. That spot was supposed to be pointed out on commentary with Cole hyping up the fact that Punk was using The Rock's finishing move.
Foley Comments During HHH Speech
Mick Foley felt like Triple H was referring to him during his RAW speech last night where he talked about not wanting to be the guy who just hung around. Here are some Foley comments from RAW when Triple H was out:
"HHH should take it from a guy who knows. Better to go out on top, on your own terms, than to hang around too long."
"YES! Just lost three times in a single Triple H highlight reel. When it comes to losing high profile matches, I truly am The King of Kings!"
"Jees, kind of felt like he was referring to me there, didn't it?"
CM Punk Busted Open at RAW
WWE's website caught up with WWE Champion CM Punk after last night's RAW and the attack on Jerry Lawler. Punk mentioned needing to get staples in his head. You may remember Punk's head was busted open towards the end of last night's cage match. Punk also talked about how he had the pleasure of beating John Cena in Chicago last year and will have the pleasure of beating Cena in Boston this year.
Jericho Reacts To Ziggler
After Dolph Ziggler ended Chris Jericho's WWE career last week on Raw, "The Showoff" appeared on-stage Monday to the former WWE Superstar's entrance music and proclaimed that he will never be seen again. Jericho reacted to Ziggler's move via Twitter, writing, "Heard Dilph used my music tonight. Well it’s about time he got a good ring song, as that “I Am Perfection” tune is crap #JustAnotherWannabe."
Booker T Speaks Out (Video)
The Score's Arda Ocal recently spoke with Booker T about his prison stint, the tag team division in WWE and more. Check out the video and highlights:
On writing about his time in prison: "Just felt like I had to put it down on paper just so, maybe, some kid that finds themselves in the same situation that I was in, they can read the book and maybe come out on the other side, something quite like Booker T did."
On the current state of the tag team division: "We're trying to bring it back, we're trying to revitalize the tag team division. Back in the day guys got into the business as tag teams..... we were formed when we first got there, we knew each other like the back of our hand, and that's what's different these days. You've got guys that's getting into the business individually and not coming in together and knowing each other. Letting the fans know them as a tag team from the beginning and then parlaying their career into singles such as I did."
WWE SD Main Event
Booker T announced via Twitter Monday evening that Randy Orton will face Dolph Ziggler this Friday on SmackDown. The announcement, which was acknowledged by WWE announcer Michael Cole on RAW, reads: "Attention: Breaking News! This Friday on #Smackdown, @HeelZiggler will face @RandyOrton in the main event! Now can you dig THAT!?"
The Identity Of 'Harold' On RAW - Ex TNA Talent
The person portraying "Harold" during the Anger Management segments on RAW this week was PWG (Pro Wrestling Guerrilla) wrestler Scorpio Sky. Sky was one of the wrestlers that was supposed to be given a try-out last weekend during SummerSlam in Los Angeles but wasn't there.
Sky portrayed Mason Andrews in TNA last month and was reportedly offered a contract but was waiting to see what happened with WWE first. Basically, TNA had a contract offer waiting for him but it looks like WWE snatched him up first.
Exclusive Backstage Notes On Mid-Card Talents' Frustration
Natalya and Jack Swagger, two mid-card talents who are frustrated and have quietly expressed their concerns to their peers, were both "jobbed out" on RAW this week. This is just another example of WWE telling their talents to speak up and then when they do, they're "jobbed out". JTG spoke up and was jobbed out to Ryback several weeks ago and Santino Marella dropped the US Title on the SummerSlam pre-show as a "punishment" of sorts. Yoshi Tatsu wrote a blog several weeks ago regarding being frustrated with his current WWE status and Tensai is another guy who was promised a major push upon signing with WWE and he's now been limited to Superstars and dark matches.
Once again, it's a no-win situation for mid-card talents despite tons of them being frustrated these days. The frustration stems for a variety of issues including travel, bonuses, etc. WWE has basically been mocking them on TV as of late.
As noted earlier here on the website, Vickie Guerrero's line on RAW where she stated "Nobody on the WWE roster has the guts to speak up" was clearly a direct shot at mid-card talents not speaking up when asked to do so at a backstage meeting at RAW several weeks ago. WWE has been doing subtle shots in recent weeks at mid-card talents and their frustration.
Triple H Update
Despite WWE hyping all week long that WWE COO Triple H would kick off this week's RAW from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the company once again changed course and had him appear later on during the show. This is just another example of WWE plans constantly changing. There are times where a weekend script is sent out to all creative writers on Sunday night and then the entire show is rewritten on Monday (RAW) or Tuesday (SmackDown). It's obviously very frustrating for many on the WWE creative team. Despite his promo on RAW this week, there are plans to feature a Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar rematch at some point. There had been rumors that the match would be taking place at the November 18th WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view but that doesn't appear to be happening now. In an update on this, the latest word is that the rematch will take place at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view in October. Those plans are not confirmed but they were talking about it as of this weekend.
WWE RAW Results (8/27) - Triple H Returns & More!
Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, August 27th, 2012 (USA Network)
Location: The BMO Harris Bradley Center in Milwaukee, WI
Results by Tony Acero
“Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event…”
-Cole and Lawler welcome us to the show. They discuss what happened with Punk last week, and King heads to the ring. Lawler grabs a mic, and Lawler says this is not the way the show usually starts. He needs to discuss what has happened recently. At Raw 1000 he made a remark that CM Punk did not like, and Lawler says he may have misspoken. So last week when Punk wanted an apology, he would do so in respect of the WWE Title. And then, he got kicked in the head from behind. So this week, he wants an apology from CM Punk.
Punk's music hits and here comes the Champ. Punk questions the fact that Lawler wants an apology. Punk reminds us that Lawler says he turned his back on the WWE Universe for justifiably attacking the Rock for his lack of respect. Lawler then sat in his little chair and make out Punk to be the bad guy. Punk says Lawler slandered the WWE Champion, and attacked him due to a lack of respect. Punk will put down anyone that shows his a lack of respect. Punk is sorry, sorry that all it takes to get into the WWE HOF is to beat nobodies in Memphis, slap a Hollywood actor and to act like a juvenile. He knows Lawler is jealous because he was never WWE Champion, and sorry he couldn't beat Michael Cole in his big WrestleMania moment. He calls Lawler a circus seal, and then says he is sorry about the man Lawler has become. Punk asks if he is upset, and wants to know if Lawler wants to fight. He says Lawler is just a commentator, they paid to see Punk and everyone knows Punk would embarrass him. Lawler says he wanted an apology, not a fight. He knows Lawler wants to bow up, but what would happen? Punk asks if Lawler thinks he is the best, and Punk says he will fight him. By the end of tonight, Lawler will leave embarrassed. He will either leave a coward or leave embarrassed because Punk beat him down. Punk bails and yells respect at the crowd. Lawler says he will think about it.
Jack Swagger vs. Ryback
And here we go. Lock up and knees by Swagger. Knees by Ryback, off the ropes and a big boot by Ryback. Slams Swagger to the mat repeatedly, and is in control until Swager trips him into the ropes. A big slam by Swagger, and then the Vader splash countered, but Swagger tries an ankle lock. Ryback slams Swagger to the corner, and then dumps Swagger on his head. Some punches by Ryback, and then a vicious clothesline by Ryback follows. Fisherman's buster by Ryback and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ryback @ 2:00 via pin
-Swagger sits on the floor yelling, "That is it!"
-Cole and King speculate that Triple H's career maybe over. We will hear from Triple H tonight.
-John Cena faces The Miz tonight.
-Before the next match, Vickie Guerrero says the match needs to end quickly because she has an announcement to make.
Non-Title Match: Natalya vs. Layla ©
Natalya takes Layla to the mat. To the feet and Natalya tosses Layla back down. Off the ropes, a roll up by Layla for 2. Springboard cross body by Layla gets 2. Layla slams Natalya to the mat, and then dances. Ass to the face style by Layla, and Natalya rolls to the floor. Counters a baseball slide, and Natalya then beats her down. Back into the ring they go, and clubbing shots to the back by Natalya. Natalya looks for a sharp shooter, countered and Natalya back with a boot to Layla. Layla counters a suplex into a roll up of sorts for 2. Layla with a kick to the head of Natalya and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Layla @ 2:40 via pin
-Vickie is in for her announcement and tells Layla to leave. Vickie says that she has something to say. Last week, AJ made a match between Ziggler and Jericho. Ziggler won and Chris Jericho is now gone from WWE. She feels that it was an abuse of power, and she will speak up to AJ. If the board of directors are watching, she is begging that it is time for Raw to be controlled by an adult like her. And not a mentally deranged child like AJ. AJ now comes skipping out to the ring, and does her little cute routine and asks for the mic. She then slaps Vickie and attacks her. CAAAAAAAAAAT FIIIIIIIIIIGHT! Vickie bails and AJ looks deranged, yet happy. Crowd replies with YES chants.
-Cole discusses Triple H's accomplishments in WWE, and we get a DX themed video package about Triple H.
-Daniel Bryan and Kane will be attending Anger Management Therapy. We see clips of them in group therapy, and we see Daniel Bryan refusing to admit that he has issues, like the losers there. The leader says they are waiting on one more person. A little kid in a goat mask shows up, and Daniel gets pissed. He asked who did this, and he says he is handsome. Daniel yells at the kid, and the leader says it is his kid, who is playing a goat in a play at school. The poor little guy was upset.
-Punk has Tweeted that he is offering the first punch to Lawler if he accepts their match tonight. Lawler grabs a mic and says Punk accused him of beating nobodies in Memphis. Lawler says he beat Briscoe, Venture, Superstar Graham and more. Lawler says he may act like a fun loving child and that he beat up a comedian in Memphis. Lawler says he respected Andy Kaufman. But Punk said Lawler was a WWE Hall of Famer, and that was true. Lawler says he has to stand up for himself, even if Punk is younger and in the prime of his life. Lawler admits he is not the best, but says Punk isn't either. So tonight, he will not back down, and he agrees to fight Punk tonight. Lawler heads to the back to prepare.
-John Cena makes his way to the ring.
Non-Title Match: The Miz © vs. John Cena
Lock up to begin, and a side headlock takedown by Miz. Cena to his feet, off the ropes and Cena back with the side headlock takedown after some counters. Miz to his feet, off the ropes and Cena counters a hip toss and gets another headlock takedown. We head to a commercial @ 1:00.
Back form a commercial @ 4:00, with Miz in control. Josh Matthews has joined the commentary team. Miz bails to the floor, takes a powder and then back in. Cena takes him to the corner, gets the bulldog. A cover by Cena gets 2. Boot by Miz, running boot to the face follows and a cover gets 2 for Miz. Miz gets the corner clothesline, and then heads up top. Double axe handle off the top by Miz gets 2. Miz now works a chinlock to keep Cena on the mat. Cena fights to his feet, powers out of the hold but a knee by Miz stops that. Cena back with a suplex, but Miz back with the back breaker-neck breaker combo for 2. Kick to the face by Miz, and a cover gets 2. Miz with another kick to the face, and covers again for 2. Miz tries a kick again, stopped and an STF by Cena. Miz makes the bottom rope and Cena has to break. DDT by Miz connects, and he covers for 2. Miz looks for the finale, sets, Cena up and escapes, counter but Miz with the side effect gets 2. Miz sets again, misses the corner clothesline. Shoulder blocks by Cena, proto bomb, you can't see me five-knuckle shuffle and goes for the AA and gets it. That is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: John Cena @ 10:00 via pin
-AJ says that the main event tonight is Punk vs. Lawler, and it will be a RAW ACTIVE match. The WWE Universe can choose the match, either a tables match, a cage match or a no DQ match.
-We get another Triple H video package.
-Ziggler and Del Rio vs. Orton and Sheamus later tonight.
-Back to anger management class, and Bryan looks bored. Bryan is asked to comment on Harrold's sharing. He rants about AJ and everything she has done to him. he is stuck here with these people, and says it can't get any worse. And here comes KANE IN HIS GEAR! Bryan rants about Kane being there.
-Heath Slater TOUTS about beating Sin Cara.
Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella
Santino does wacky martial arts moves, and then takes down Slater. Santino has some fun at Slater's expense, and then some air guitar by Slater. Santino tries it, and Slater attacks. Slater lays the boots to Santino, and then covers for 2. Knees to the back by Slater, rights follow. Slater celebrates, and then chokes out Santino in the ropes. Boring chants now as Slater covers for 2. Slater to the 2nd rope, but then drops down and goes to the other corner. Santino rolls away again and Slater drops down and then gets rolled up for 2. Jabs by Santino, split, hip toss, saluting head butt and now cobra time. Aksana's music hits and distracts the cobra. Santino hits Slater with it anyway, and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Santino @ 3:00 via pin
-Brodus Clay and Sin Cara are out for tag team action.
-Damien Sandow has a mic, and says that he is the intellectual savior. He is happy to announce he has experienced a miracle, he found someone he can have an intellectual conversation with. Cody Rhodes. Cody has a mic and thanks Sandow. He says this match is perfect, since Clay has the girth of the people of Milwaukee, and Sin Cara has their hideous looks. But at least he is considerate enough to wear a mask…for now.
Brodus Clay and Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes
JIP with Cody in control of Cara. Running knee connects and a cover gets 2. Tag to Sandow, Russian leg sweep connects, and then the elbow drop gets 2. Rights by Sandow follow, and then lays the boots to Cara. Tag to Cody, more boots to Cara, and continues the beat down. Cody off the ropes, RANA by Cara and BOTH men are down. Tag to Clay, and he starts to clean house on Cody. Corner splash connects, and then a running powerslam gets 2 as Sandow makes the save. He targets the knee of Clay, but Cara sends him to the floor. Hit a big cross body to Sandow on the floor, and Cody jumps into a head butt by Clay. Big splash connects and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Brodus Clay and Sin Cara @ 2:30 via pin
-Clay, Cara and the girls dance with the kids.
-Back to anger management. The leader asks if Kane wants to remove his mask, and he takes off the outer mask, and still has his regular one on. Kane says he is the devil's favorite demon. When asked about what makes him angry, and is asked about his childhood. Bryan says this is a bad idea. Kane then says that he grew up locked in a basement and had emotional scarring when his brother burnt his parents to death. He went to medical institutions, and buried his brother alive, twice. He had a girlfriend named Katie, but that didn't work out so well. His put his father in a freezer, has an unhealthy obsession with torturing Pete Rose and once electrocuted another man's testicles. The instructor says they should call it a day, and asks them to make an anger collage. Harold thanks Kane for sharing, and offers a hug. Kane looks to destroy him, but says no problem and leaves.
-Another Triple H video package.
Daniel Bryan vs. R Truth w/Kofi Kingston and Little Jimmy
Bryan tries to stay calm on his way to the ring. Deep breaths man, count to 10. Kofi is on commentary, discussing Little Jimmy. Truth and Bryan exchange a fist bump pre-match, he's off to a good start. Goatface chants now, and Bryan tries to stay calm. Truth jokes that Little Jimmy wants a fist bump and Bryan does, and then attacks Truth. Truth fights back, leg lariat follows. Spinning forearm by Truth gets 2. Off the ropes, and Truth sends Bryan to the floor. Truth follows, and slaps the shit out of Bryan. Truth gets a mic and talks with Little Jimmy. He then starts YES chants, and Bryan gets pissed off and starts to yell NO. he grabs the mic, yells NO repeatedly, and then gets counted out.
OFFICIAL RESULT: R Truth @ 3:00 via countout
-Bryan throws a fit after the match.
-Triple H appears next.
-Here comes the H's. He has a cast on the "broken" left arm thanks to that dastardly Brock Lesnar. Cole and Matthews stand in silence to honor Triple H. Yup. Triple H stays silent to soak in the cheers a bit, and says that he will cut to the chase. Everyone wants to know if he will retire. They chant NO for him, and he says that there is one thing you learn is to never say never. At the beginning, he wanted to do two simple things. Step foot in the ring and create something no one would forget. The other was to retire from all of this before it retired him. That being said, everyone comes to a cross road in their career, and you have to ask yourself, is it time. Because you cannot fight time, it will always win. He never wanted to be the guy that was just hanging out, never hanging on too long, the guy that was waiting for the nostalgia pop. T not just get into the ring for a check, to be the guy that was too beat up and crippled inside to hold his own kids. He never wanted to be the punch-drunk fighter that couldn't have a life when it was done. But he is at that cross road, and Lesnar has made him ask the question, is he done? He just doesn't know. He is beat up, tired, and broken again. But he wanted to come into the ring and wanted to be the Game, the King of Kings, to be Triple H. He wants to say he will kick Lesnar's ass because that is what he does. But he can't say that. The truth is because he doesn't know if he can. Brock Lesnar has forced him to look into himself and ask, "Am I done?" If he cannot say that he can come back and beat Lesnar and to come back and be better than before, then maybe he has answered his own question. Crowd chants, "YOU CAN DO IT!" Maybe the crowd is right, but while he is out here, he can take a minute to say something. He can say thank you. Whether you love or hate the guys that step into the ring, they do so for one reason. They sacrifice it all for the entertainment of the fans. Everyone in the back stands there and waits for the music to hit, when they are alone, they question if anyone will care. For his career, when he walked out, he knew they cared. That always got him through it. When muscles were torn, bones broken, what got him trough it, was the fans. He thanks them again and says thanks for letting him play the game. He says he will not forget the fans, and hopefully, if he has succeeded, they will never forget him. "Thank You." The crowd chants "Thank You Hunter" as he sheds a tear.
-Jericho's entrance music hits, and it is just Dolph Ziggler playing with the crowd. Ziggler asks if we were expecting someone else, and then says we will not see Jericho because he cost Jericho his WWE contract. And we will never, EVER, see Jericho again.
Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton and Sheamus
And here we go with Ziggler and Orton to begin. Lock up, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Orton. Counters, and a clothesline by Orton. Slingshot suplex by Orton, and Del Rio in and Orton tosses him to the floor.Sheamus off the apron with a shoulder block to Del Rio, and a powerslam by Orton to Ziggler. We head to a commercial @ 1:00.
We are back from commercial @ 4:00, with Del Rio beating down Orton on the floor. Back into the ring, tag to Ziggler and they lays the boots to Orton. Elbow drop by Orton and a cover gets 2. Ziggler works the chinlock, Orton gets to his feet and elbows out. Ziggler battles back and covers Orton for 2. Tag to Del Rio, kicks to Orton and a cover for 1. Orton fights back again on Del Rio, to the corner and Orton side steps a charge and rolls up Del Rio for 2. Orton tosses Del Rio to the floor, Sheamus looks for a tag, and Ricardo helps del Rio back into the ring. Sheamus and Ziggler with tags, Sheamus takes over and cleans house on both guys. Ziggler escapes white noise, but hits the Irish curse for 2 as Del Rio makes a save. Ricardo slide sin the MITB case, Orton makes the save, Brogue kick to Ziggler and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Sheamus and Randy Orton @ 9:00 via pin
-Lawler talks with Cena backstage, and says he needs to face Punk on his own. Lawler says if Cena gets involved, he will always hear it from Punk. Lawler says he is doing this for himself, and Cena wishes him luck.
-Kane makes his way to the ring. Josh Matthews is nervous about this, due t the Summerslam attack. Matthews bails, and Kane joins the commentary team.
Zack Ryder vs. David Otunga
Otunga attacks early, working over Ryder. To the corner, rights by Otunga and then a whip to the other corner. Clothesline by Otunga, and a cover gets 2. Chinlock by Otunga, Ryder works to his feet, and Kane sits saying nothing on commentary. Suplex by Otunga, and a cover gets 2. Otunga back to the chinlock, Ryder escapes and fights back. To the corner, back elbow by Ryder and then Otunga levels him. Ryder escapes a clothesline, hits the rough Ryder and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Zack Ryder @ 2:00 via pin
-After the match Kane enters the ring to chokeslam Ryder, but instead lets him go and chokeslams Otunga.
-Dolph Ziggler will face Randy Orton Friday on Smackdown.
-The Punk vs. Lawler match will be a… cage match!
-AJ skips out and says regardless of the result tonight, Punk will defend the WWE Title at Night of Champions against her choice of opponent, John Cena.
-Ominous music plays and the cage lowers.
It's MAIN EVENT time!!
Non-Title Cage Match: CM Punk © vs. Jerry Lawler
Punk offers Lawler the first punch, and Lawler initially declines, but Punk insists. Lawler levels Punk with a right, and Punk backs off to the corner. Punk now attacks with leg kicks, and then rights in the corner on Lawler. Neck breaker by Punk, and then clubbing rights follow. Chinlock by Punk, Lawler to his feet and Punk then slams him down to the mat. Kicks by Punk, and says he is the new King of Memphis. Rights by Punk, and then back to the chinlock. Lawler escapes to his feet, but Punk slams him to the mat. Punk looks to climb, Lawler up to his feet, and Punk drops to the mat and chases Lawler down and hits a basement dropkick. Punk to the top, crotched by Lawler, and he crawls for the cage door. Punk stops that and drags him back into he ring. Repeated elbow drops by Punk, picks up Lawler, sings a bit to Lawler (same song Lawler sang to Kaufman many years ago) who fights back and slams Punk to the cage. Lawler with rights and works over Punk. Off the ropes and slams Punk to the cage. Clothesline by Lawler, and he unloads with rights to Punk. Lawler to the second rope, strap is down, MEMPHIS FIST DROP! Lawler covers for 2. Lawler goes for the door, is stopped and then Punk with the high knee in the corner, and both men are down. Punk is busted open in there, looks for the GTS, but instead hits a Rock bottom on Lawler. Anaconda vice applied and Lawler taps.
OFFICIAL RESULT: CM Punk @ 8:00 via submission
-Punk now grabs a mic and a toolbox. Punk gets a chain and lock and locks the cage closed so he can abuse Lawler some more. Punk says he gives Lawler another shot to say that Punk is the best in the world. Lawler says hell no and Punk with rapid fire elbows to Lawler. Punk says he is the best and wants Lawler to say it. He continues to beat down Lawler, and here comes Cena to make the save. He can't get the door open and tells them to raise the cage. Climb you last bastard. Cena yells at Punk and says he has crossed a line. Punk continues to attack Lawler. Punk again says he is the best and as the cage raises, Punk bails. Cena says Lawler needs help and checks on him.
-Punk walks out all proud of his handy work.
-End scene.
Credit: Tony Acero
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