Sunday 2 September 2012

Kofi Kingston Says He Was a Bully In School

WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth held an anti-bullying rally in Sydney, Australia on Friday. Kofi Kingston told the kids that he used to be a bully in school. He said:

"I'm not going to lie, I used to be a bully, when I was your age, I wanted to fit in and be in with the cool crowd. I would come home crying to my mom every day because she named me Kofi and people were making fun of my name and I wanted to be called Joey. Don't ever let anybody make you feel bad because you're different- being different is great."

R-Truth says he was the opposite. He said, "I wasn't a bully, I was one of the persons who would tell, you can call me a tattletale or snitch. I want to put a stop to it, I think inside every human being there is good."

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