Wednesday 12 September 2012

Spoilers: Updated Details from Last Night's WWE SmackDown Tapings In Ottawa

Thanks to Brad for this updated report with more details from last night's WWE SmackDown spoilers in Ottawa:

* The show opened with Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga and Ricardo Rodriguez. The person who Del Rio has brought is Christian. He's actually live via satellite and he's also upset with the Brogue Kick. Daniel Bryan comes out and he's also upset. Sheamus comes out and ends up attacking Otunga to remove his neckbrace. The whole segment was kind of pointless.

* Sin Cara beat The Miz in a non-title match via rollup. Horrible performance by Sin Cara.

* They show some anger management clips with Dr. Shelby, Kane and Daniel Bryan. They play around with stress balls and the joke here is that Kane has bigger balls than Bryan.

* The Miz, Sin Cara, Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio are backstage arguing about the Intercontinental Title. Teddy Long comes in and announces a Fatal 4-Way for Night of Champions.

* Kane squashed Kofi Kingston. Dr. Shelby comes and he's upset with Kane. Kane goes to chokeslam Kofi again but just hugs him to end it.

* Randy Orton beat Tensai with the RKO in a solid match.

* Vickie Guerrero came out and addressed Orton to huge heel heat. Dolph Ziggler ran in to attack Orton behind but Orton caught him.

* Antonio Cesaro comes out with Aksana and he's not happy about defending the United States Title against a battle royal winner at Night of Champions. This brings out Tyson Kidd. Cesaro tosses him but out comes Brodus Clay for the save. Kidd and Clay dance to end it.

* Kaitlyn beat Beth Phoenix in a boring match.

* Segment with Booker T, Teddy Long and Eve Torres. Eve tries sucking up and they try comedy. Another pointless segment.

* Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan in an average match. They played up the WrestleMania Rematch stuff and Sheamus won with the Texas Cloverleaf.

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