Wednesday 5 September 2012

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 9/7/12

- Thanks to Bradley for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Moline, IL:

Dark Match:

* Ted DiBiase defeated Dean Ambrose

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* SmackDown opens with Alberto Del Rio and David Otunga coming out. Ricardo Rodriguez is trailing and he's in a neck brace. They want action taken against Sheamus for hitting Ricardo Rodriguez with a Brogue Kick on RAW. They want the kick banned in WWE. GM Booker T comes out and says he wants to put it in the hands of the fans. They vote that the kick should remain legal. Del Rio throws a fit and Booker has something planned for them later.

* Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara beat Cody Rhodes and The Miz when Cody accidentally hit Miz with a Disaster Kick.

* Comedy segment with Hornswoggle stomping on Daniel Bryan's foot before running away.

* Zack Ryder vs. Daniel Bryan is up next. They hugged before the bell. Bryan won with the No Lock but wouldn't break the hold so the referee reversed his decision. Bryan continued to lose his temper.

* Damien Sandow comes out and starts ripping on Randy Orton. Orton comes out and reveals that Booker T has put the two in a match.

* Randy Orton beat Damien Sandow by count out with Dolph Ziggler coming out for commentary. Sandow ended up rolling out of the ring and running away for the count out. Ziggler attacked and Orton brawled with him. Sandow ran back down and caught an RKO while Ziggler ran off.

* David Otunga storms into Booker T's office and still wants the Brogue Kick to be banned. Booker makes Otunga vs. Sheamus for tonight.

* Titus O'Neil and Darren Young beat Primo and Epico to become the new #1 contenders. WWE Tag Team Champions R-Truth and Kofi Kingston were on commentary.

* Backstage interview with Wade Barrett.

* Barrett came out to big heel heat and beat Yoshi Tatsu in a squash. Barrett cut a promo after the match.

* Sheamus beat David Otunga in the main event with Alberto Del Rio watching from ringside. Booker T came out before the end and banned the Brogue Kick. Sheamus argued with Del Rio and they mixed it up but he still got the win.

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