Monday 3 September 2012

WWE's Most Memorable Superstar Debuts has published a list counting down the 20 most memorable Superstar debuts in sports-entertainment history with Kane's premiere appearance at the 1997 WWF pay-per-view event Badd Blood: In Your House topping the chart.

The complete list is as follows: 20. Big Show,
19. Fit Finlay,
18. Santino Marella,
17. Booker T,
16. Abdullah the Butcher,
15. Brock Lesnar,
14. The Great Khali,
13. Vader,
12. Goldberg,
11. Rey Mysterio,
10. Sabu,
9. Eric Bischoff,
8. The Undertaker,
7. Tazz,
6. Shockmaster,
5. The Nexus,
4. John Cena,
3. Scott Hall,
2. Chris Jericho,
1. Kane.

Whats your opinion?

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