He's interrupted by Booker T who says Ziggler may just be wasting everyone's time. He knows Ziggle feels like he can do things no one else can do, but Booker begs to differ because he knows someone who can do everything, and a little bit more than Dolph can, and he's his opponent now.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston makes his way out for an impromptu match with Ziggler. The bell rings and Ziggler clamps on a head lock, taking Kofi down to the mat. Kofi fights up and hits a dropkick before monkey flipping Ziggler out of the corner hard. Kofi misses a splash in the corner and runs shoulder first into the ring post. Ziggler catches Kofi with a dropkick of his own before putting him in a headlock. Kofi fights up to his feet and ducks a couple of clotheslines, but Ziggler is able to lock on the sleeper hold and Kofi drops down to one knee.
Kofi is able to fight up and he tosses Ziggler from the ring. Big E helps Ziggler up, and ends up eating a dive from Kofi. AJ accidentally distracts Ziggler and allows Kofi to hit the trouble in paradise, but it's only good for two. Ziggler rolls to the outside, and Kofi dives out, wiping out Big E again. Kofi sends Ziggler back into the ring and takes him out with a big springboard cross body. Kofi heads to the top, but he's stopped by Ziggler. Ziggler tries for a superplex, but instead drops him down on the top turnbuckle stomach first. Ziggler hits the Zig zag, then gets the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
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