Sunday 24 February 2013

Randy Orton and Others Comment on The Undertaker's Return

Taker 1Wade Barrett, Randy Orton and Ricardo Rodriguez commented on The Undertaker's return at last night's WWE live event in Waco, Texas:

Orton: "Got to watch Undertaker perform in Waco tonight at the #Smackdown live event. Very motivating to watch him do his thing. #Legend Killer"

Ricardo: "Can't describe the feeling we all got here tonight in Waco, Texas after having The Undertaker compete. I legit got goosebumps!"

Barrett: "Hell of a night at #WWEWaco. Expect the unexpected... #WWECollegeStation tomorrow."

Taker's return match saw him team with Sheamus to defeat Barrett and Damien Sandow. Taker got the win for his team with a Tombstone piledriver on Sandow.

See the video -

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